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Solidarity is traditionally a social duty or a reciprocal obligation of aid and assistance or of gracious collaboration which exists between the persons of a group or a community because of the bond which unites them. There is no solidarity outside of a closed group.

Solidarity being an obligation within a defined social group, the word is misused to also designate altruism, generosity or charity.

These groups are originally based on a blood or kinship tie (families, clans, tribes), or affiliation (friends, compatriots, colleagues, members of an association, a brotherhood, a municipality , of a nation), or even on a contract (mutual, insurance, union, association), it is then expensive and monetized. The first of solidarities is defense (against aggression or oppression), or revenge, then comes food or help, then mutual aid and cooperation. It is also the obligation to make common cause, to act in the general interest of the group. It still exists in positive law between ascendants and descendants and between spouses.

Socio-cultural animation is most often referred to by the generic term of animation, which results in some confusion as to its role and function. For the general public, the socio-cultural animator is more of an entertainer than a social worker [personal interpretation]. While it is one of the branches of social work with social assistance and special education. Popular education is at the origin of its development. Professionals in this branch are commonly called sociocultural animators. We distinguish voluntary animation, sanctioned by a certificate of aptitude, from professional animation, sanctioned by a professional certificate.

Socio-cultural animation supports social groups and individuals in their personal development or in social development. It participates in the improvement of the local environment, sets up cultural events, offers activities (leisure or education) and contributes to carrying out collective projects (integration, fight against segregation, related actions with sociability and social bond ...). It is not the nature of the activity that defines socio-cultural animation; its specificity lies in the fact that the participants establish relationships among themselves from which results for them benefits: the activity itself, personal development and the strengthening of their social network.

Socio-cultural animation therefore allows the development of social relations of those who participate in it and the increase of their autonomy. Socio-cultural animation is also linked to the concept of empowerment, in the sense that it aims to develop the power to act and the autonomy of citizens. It is therefore not defined solely by activities which could be listed, nor by a degree of involvement of the professional facilitator. It takes place both inside and outside social or leisure facilities and centers.

A socio-cultural facilitator is a social worker whose field of intervention is social, cultural and educational animation.

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  • Fondation des Hôpitaux - Pièces Jaunes

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  • Firstname : Olivier Romain Luc
  • Lastname : : Jaillet-ramey
  • Arrived on tuesday 19 october 1976 (1976/10/19 00:00)
    48 years activity !

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