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Computing is a field of scientific, technical and industrial activity concerning the automatic processing of information by the execution of computer programs by machines: embedded systems, computers, robots, automatons, etc.

These fields of application can be separated into two branches, one of a theoretical nature, which concerns the definition of concepts and models, and the other, of a practical nature, which deals with concrete techniques of implementation. . Some areas of computing can be very abstract, like algorithmic complexity, and others can be closer to a lay audience. Thus, language theory remains a field more accessible to trained professionals (description of computers and programming methods), while professions related to man-machine interfaces are accessible to a wider audience.

The computer term results from the association of the information term with the suffix "-ique" meaning "which is specific to". As an adjective, it applies to all processing related to the use of computers and digital systems. As a noun, it designates the activities related to the design and implementation of these machines. Telecommunications issues such as signal processing or information theory, as well as mathematical problems such as computability are attached to it. In American university vocabulary, ?computer science? refers above all to theoretical computer science: a set of formal sciences whose object of study is the notion of information and the processes for automatically processing it, algorithmic.

Computer applications since the 1950s have formed the basis of the information and communication technology industry. This industrial and commercial sector is linked to both processes (software, system architectures) and hardware (electronics, telecommunications). The sector also provides many services related to the use of its products: development, maintenance, education, support, monitoring and servicing.

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PP World

Bonjour ! PP World est une chaine High Tech / vidéos de Voyages NON SPONSORISEE créée par le journaliste PP Garcia. Il n'y a AUCUN placement de produit ni AUCUN jeux concours sur PP World. Un panneau placée au début de chaque vidéo indique "Vidéo non sponso", ce qui vous permet d'être certain de regarder un programme 100 % indépendant.
PP World offre les tests complets et accessibles à tous des produits suivants : téléviseurs, écouteurs avec ou sans réduction de bruit, casques audio avec ou sans réduction de bruit, enceintes nomade ou/et domestiques, smartphones, barres de son, vidéoprojecteurs (tous types)... PP Garcia met également en ligne des reportages, des billets d'humeur et des enquêtes sur la high tech (interviews, nouvelles technologies, reportages sur les salons High Tech dans le monde, reportages dans les usines en France et dans le monde), ainsi que des news et des best of de l'actu High Tech. Merci infiniment pour le soutien ! :)

Channel YouTube
PP World
PP World

Subscribers : 413000
Videos Count : 806
  • Creation : Tuesday 08 september 2015
  • Publish : Friday 07 january 2022
  • Modification : Friday 07 january 2022


Author of the page



  • Firstname : Olivier Romain Luc
  • Lastname : : Jaillet-ramey
  • Arrived on tuesday 19 october 1976 (1976/10/19 00:00)
    47 years activity !

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Firefox Nighlty

Our friends from Framasoft are interested in Mozilla and asked them questions about Nightly: Firefox Night-club, free entry !

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