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A training leader or group leader in training or facilitator is a teacher who does not use the top-down mode but rather a collective dynamic and active pedagogical methods

Regardless of the size of a group, it is necessary. The facilitator must be its pillar. He is the one who will help the group run smoothly during the meetings, without him the group does not function as it should.

But for this role to be useful, it must be recognized by all group members as such, with its advantages and disadvantages.

Roles of the training facilitator: The example, The vision of the goal, the organization, the dynamism, the participation, the leader, the clarity of the means, the continuous evaluation.

In the social sciences, an organization is a social group made up of interacting individuals, with a collective goal, but whose preferences, information, interests and knowledge may differ1: a company, a public administration, a trade union, a political party , an association, etc.

The organization of something designates the action of organizing (structuring, delimiting, arranging, distributing or articulating). In this sense, it is a social process.

An organization is the result of regulated actions (a company, a public service, an administration, an association, an army, an event, etc.).

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  • Firstname : Olivier Romain Luc
  • Lastname : : Jaillet-ramey
  • Arrived on tuesday 19 october 1976 (1976/10/19 00:00)
    47 years activity !

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