Contact LAB3W, the ZW3B staff [FR | TV | SITE | NET | BLOG]

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The domain names ZW3B [FR | TV | NET | SITE | BLOG] are produced by LAB3W.ORJ

Owner: O livier Romain (Luc) Jaillet (-ramey)
Tel : +33 6 16 21 34 65

Websites: - The Web : ZW3B.FR - ZW3B.TV - ZW3B.Net - ZW3B.Site - ZW3B.Blog - IPv10.Net

FRANCE, 06420 Valdeblore Saint-Dalmas, Rue La Madone - Collet des Fourches: The burnt barn.

LAB3W - O. Romain Jaillet-ramey: Web and networks laboratory - Internet Engineering.

Computer programming, InterNet projects, systems and network administration, web application development ((LAMP) Linux Apache MySQL PHP, BASH).

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Author of the section



  • Firstname : Olivier Romain Luc
  • Lastname : : Jaillet-ramey
  • Arrived on tuesday 19 october 1976 (1976/10/19 00:00)
    48 years activity !

Firefox Nighlty

Our friends from Framasoft are interested in Mozilla and asked them questions about Nightly: Firefox Night-club, free entry !

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