Relative Informations ZW3B.[FR|TV|NET|SITE|BLOG] web sites.

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2003-2023 © LAB3W : Web and networks laboratory - InterNet engineering by O.Romain Jaillet-ramey

2011-2023 © ZW3B :-: The Web by LAB3W O.Romain.Jaillet-ramey

  • LAB3W : Olivier Romain Luc Jaillet-ramey
  • FR, 06420, Valdeblore Saint-Dalmas, Rue La Madone - Collet des Fourches: La Grange Brûlée.

The director, Information Systems and Network Security analyst, Web developer and owner of the ZW3B [EU|FR|TV|NET|SITE|BLOG] domain names is O.Romain Jaillet-ramey , freelance and IT consultant under the name of the Web and networks laboratory "LAB3W" InterNet engineering specialized in Information Systems Security, the IPs network and web development.

I am writing on behalf of the site under the nickname ZW3B , LAB3W is the pseudonym I use to speak on behalf of my micro-enterprise and LAB3W.ORJ is my personal name O. Romain Jaillet-ramey with which I publish articles.

Site user blocks : Account info / user rights / summary
  • Test for modern #Internet Standards #IPv6, #DNSSEC, #HTTPS, #HSTS, #DMARC, #DKIM, #SPF, #STARTTLS, #DANE, #RPKI and security.txt
there is soon 8 years, tuesday 13 june 2017 (2017/06/13 14:51)
ZW3B has modified the doc

Foire Aux Questions

of this section.A propos. Foire aux questions ZW3B. Les questions posées fréquemment ; les réponses.
a little over 8 years, monday 15 august 2016 (2016/08/15 11:30)
ZW3B has modified the news

Partenariats ZW3B.[FR|TV|NET|COM]

of this section.A propos. Partenariats ZW3B.[FR|TV|NET|COM] LAB3W recherche des sponsors, partenaires publicitaires, collaborateurs...
at dawn of the site, tuesday 26 june 2012 (2012/06/26 14:52)
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of this section.A propos. Diffuser sur le réseau de la communauté ZW3B.[EU|FR|TV|NET|COM]
at dawn of the site, friday 13 january 2012 (2012/01/13 07:28)
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of this section.A propos. Gestion et utilisations des cookies ZW3B.[EU|FR|TV|NET|COM|BLOG]

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Author of the section



  • Firstname : Olivier Romain Luc
  • Lastname : : Jaillet-ramey
  • Arrived on tuesday 19 october 1976 (1976/10/19 00:00)
    48 years activity !

Firefox Nighlty

Our friends from Framasoft are interested in Mozilla and asked them questions about Nightly: Firefox Night-club, free entry !

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